Saturday, January 17, 2009

Well Well Well (Take a Look here)

So, I was playing a game with my kids and who was to come knocking on my door...But, Don Samuels. It is funny in a humbling way that he came to my door. He was asking about "Our Concerns" since the homicide of Annashalike Hamilton (See Below) Yeah I have concerns, it is the boarded up houses, and garages, even if my house once was in that manor. The thing is and I told him that, yeah I have concerns.. What about these boarded up houses, there should be a unit, that checks all these houses, If the landlord isn't interested, then the Police should be. This unit should be the kind that opens up the boards and checks the vicinity and see if there is anyone "beaten and frozen inside", even frozen from exposure,this should include but not limited to garages, openings under the house and porches.but, I'm no Johnny Northside, he knows anything that is anything that is going on over north. I told him to read his blog. He admitted he does.
Since the Murder of Annashalike, My cousin and I have wondered why there hasn't been no flowers placed on the garage, so no I didn't put none there either. however, when I pass by there I pray that the man who committed this crime is tried fairly and just. I also pray for her family.In the paper work that Don Left me, It said of And a Direct quote"Please Join the PEACE Foundation and MADDADS, Northside Neighbors and friends, at a PEACE Vigil to remember the Lives Of Annashalike Shanta Hamilton and her unborn baby Kyra Marie Hamilton. We are also joining to show our collective resolve to prevent this type of tragedy from repeating it's self in our neighborhood and city." The Vigil is Tomorrow January 18th, @ 2pm on the 2200 & 4th St. Block.

This is the house 2222 4th st North where the beating and frozen body of Annashalike Hamiton was found, below is where exactly.
The whole thing is like this, These days and times "Do you know where your Children are?" "Do you know who your children are playing with?" "Do you know the numbers of all your children's friends?" My son says I'm too stricted. I also know I have never lost a child, and I can not imagine what these parents are going through.
However, Majority of the parents in our neighborhood, are not even parents at all. I'm not saying Annashalike's parents are like most, (cause I don't know her parents) but, parents today just let their kids do what ever, they are ok that they drug dealers, gang bangers, carry guns, hang out on the block or what ever. Majority of the kids that serve on the 22nd and Lyndale ave are under 17. That is why they continue to be there, cause the police let them go back to their parents. Who, might be addicts them selves, or the child is supporting them the only way they know how, by selling, gang banging and what not.

I just know one thing is for sure, something needs to happen and soon. Something that will change the law, that holds parents accountable for their childrens behavior. I heard rumors that the person who murdered Annasalike was 30, and the Father of her unborn child. (rumors at my sons school) and that he didn't want to be a Father to a underage pregnant girl. If this was the case, and I don't know if it is but, why didn't the parents call the police and charge this person with statutory rape? I don't know if this is true, this is all rumor and hearsay. If you know more then what I do, please tell me. I don't even know if they caught the person who murdered her.


Inspector Clouseau said...

Interesting work. I came across your blog while "blog surfing" using the Next Blog feature on the Navigation Bar of I occasionally just visit other blogs simply out of curiosity. I am continually surprised at the creative manner in which people all over the globe express themselves, and their particular interests. Keep it up.

That's it, you gone and done it! said...

Yeah well I think that it is important to write what you know, or what you want to learn about, thanks for reading.