Thursday, July 16, 2009

Summit Academy OIC

February 9, 2009 I entered Administrative Assistant program at Summit Academy OIC. The general program was "alright" the majority of the program just wasn't it. Summit has a lot of bright ideas just not enough "umph" to follow through.

One of my major problems with the school is that the person running the program, Mr. King has in My opinion not a clue what is going on! He thinks everything is fine an dandy, and in this graduated students belief has room for major improvement. The soft office skills that we were required to learn was basic common sense, and the resumes that they had admin create was "garbage" in no way formed to help us get a job upon graduation. I had to seek professional help to get my resume correct.

Mr. Tittle, the supervisor of the teachers, had little to no knowledge of the assignments being taught, and when we needed substitutes they were inexperienced. I had one that stay in the corner completing a Star Tribune Cross word, and when I am trying to learn compound interest he could not teach me, I attempted to find ways to get the answer I needed and to be taught, and not even Mr. Tittle could teach it.

I did learn a lot in Microsoft Office, English, and Keyboarding; perhaps I am being a little particle to those programs because the teachers treated us like human beings instead of insolent children. Unlike the Soft Office Skills that again in my opinion where she prattled on about her self and taught really nothing. "Is it because I am a 'strong black woman'' which she repeated to my self when I had a difference of opinion. I would just rebuttal with "every black woman I know is a strong black woman"

The school; (while I was attending) was carpentry based, and they revolved around them, even though I was an Administrative Assistant student there, I felt as if my learning was not as essential as theirs was. They treated the "carp" students like "gods" and the remainder of the students like "dogs". (Again my opinion)

Although they have since cut the Administrative Assistant program, and CNA (Certified Nursing Assistant) program...due to the fact that the drop out rate was high. In my class it started out with 17 students, I graduated with one other student from our SAC.

If you are looking to better your life, and seek greater things, it might be a better idea to really look at the other schools and what they have to offer you; the classes with other programs may be longer, however the chances that you will really find a worth while job in the end might be higher, unless of course you are going for carpentry.

Dunwoody, Hennepin County Technical and MCTC, might be better all around. Summit actually sends students to Dunwoody for a few of the programs such as welding, and plumbing.

Summit needs to make a lot of changes, and stop making it up as they go along. They need to really sit down and say to themselves "What would make this a great school" If I would have done further investigation, I would have picked another school. Now, please note that these are just my opinions, from what I seen first hand. Don't make the same mistakes that I did.


Anonymous said...

You've put a lot of work into your blog, but it is unreadable. Dark purple on black doesn't have enough contrast to be read. Could you please use white as a background? The design as you have it is especially hard on us people with old eyes. Thanks!

That's it, you gone and done it! said...

I hope that this is more clearer to you.

Anonymous said...

Thank you!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

thanks for the critique. we are committed to getting better and have already taken measures to address some of the weaknesses that you pointed out. I stand behind the difference that we have made in the lives of hundreds of people and I stand behind the quality of personnel that we have on staff. I wish you much success and if you ever need us, we are always there.

Louis J. King II
Summit Academy OIC

That's it, you gone and done it! said...

Mr.King I am glad that you are making changes that will better the students ability to learn from a school such as yours.