Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Just because you live in the hood, doesn't mean you have to act hood.

(photos off internet)
Being a parent while living in the hood is very difficult. You try to raise your kids well standing and appreciative of all the things they got; try and teach them manners and to respect adults. Yet, while living in the hood you have the parents that just don't really care about what, who or where their kids are, and then your kids attempt or do follow the kids that just have no sense about them.

So, today of all days it was one of those moments that I just had enough. First my nephew was way out of bounds, then find out that one of the neighbor kids pissed on my aunties dog, and tried to make another boy dog, "hump" him as well. So, when I confronted the children "not me" did it. When confronting the parents, "boys will be boys" so what kind of message is that to the children? So, I told the parents that we could get the police involved and charge the kids with cruelty to animals. (which I do not even know if we could)

The thing that really strikes my cord is that I have enough issues trying to raise boys with common decency and self respect, and they see kids that just can do what ever, and my kids say "but mom, it's not fair" ...What the heck you mean it's not fair, life isn't fair! Then, it isn't just the boys it is the girls too; they are hot pants, wearing skimpy clothes and out side until 1-2 a.m. Taking provocative pictures and think they cute, and parents just going along with it. It just don't make no sense.

What is so fascinating to allow your kids to be ghetto, and most likely end up in jail? How is that even acceptable behavior? I just think of what I need to continue to need to do, be on top what my kids are doing and make sure I know who they are hanging around. It isn't ghettofabulous, it is ghettodisturbing....

"Don't throw stones if you live in a glass house"

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